How smoke and soot damages property
If you have suffered a fire, you should understand how smoke and soot damages property. Smoke can create aesthetic damage in several areas as a byproduct of fire:
• Electric outlets and behind walls.
• Surfaces and fabrics that are porous.
• The HVAC system and refrigerator inside.
It is best to call a professional that specializes in smoke damage restoration. EES Restoration Boca Raton is a local company that is here to help with a multitude of services in property restoration.
Aside from wood, burned plastics, and seared upholstery, smoke can also carry carcinogens.
The wooden structures in most homes often trap these toxins, making smoke damage cleanup a necessity. As a result of inhaling the embedded smoke’s lingering toxins, those who are at risk of developing respiratory issues are at risk. Another byproduct of fire is soot, which is generally present wherever smoke is present. When combustible materials such as wood and plastic are burned, it is released as a greasy or powdery substance. Any property that has been affected by a fire can be made a mess by soot, just like smoke. Upholstery, furniture, appliances, and countertops can also be affected. The corrosive nature of this chemical can ruin metals, ruin flooring, and ruin walls if left untreated for a few days.
Your home’s structure and contents may be affected by smoke and soot in different ways than the fire itself. This also makes addressing these issues challenging throughout the restoration process.
Taking Care of Your Property After Smoke
Whether you live in a home or operate a business, smoke can easily seep into the smallest cracks and crevices. As a result, it often goes unnoticed for a long time. Smoke can leave hard-to-remove stains on painted walls and wood furniture without the right cleaning agents. Meanwhile, acidic soot particles left on metallic surfaces for a long time can rust and corrode them quickly. To clean smoke damage and eliminate unpleasant odors after a property fire, call the fire and smoke damage restoration experts in your area. Visit our website and contact us today for guaranteed customer satisfaction.
How smoke and soot damages property | Restoration Services | Boca Raton FL | EES Restoration
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